About Us
International Journal of Geoinformatics aims at publishing scientific and technical developments in the diverse field of Geoinformatics encompassing Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry, Geographic Information System, and Global Positioning Systems. Papers dealing with innovations in theoretical, experimental and system design aspects are welcome. Routine applications without significant findings will not be considered.
Printed version ISSN: 1686-6576
Online Electronic version ISSN: 2673-0014

Our History
This journal was launched by group of scientists/ academicians under Association for Geoinformation Technology in 2005. It has completed 19 Volumes containing 70+ issues. It is indexed by Scopus, Elsevier, EBSCO, Geoscience Australia, British Library. The first printed edition has been published since 2005 and now years 18 and also electronic version has been published in Vol. 1, No. 1, March, 2005. It has complete 17 Volumes containing 70+ issues.
Open Access issues (2005 - 2012) can be viewed here:

“International Journal of Geoinformatics is a peer reviewed journal in the field of Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Photogrammetry and Global Positioning Systems (GPS). It publishes papers in the application of RS/GIS/GPS in various fields: environment, health, disaster, agriculture, planning, development, business etc. It has an International Editorial Board and a panel of Peer Reviewers to ensure the quality of research papers. This will enhance citations and H-Index. International Journal of Geoinformatics is indexed by prestigious indexing services such as SCOPUS, EBSCO, British Library, Google Scholar, Geoscience Australia etc. We are trying for more indexing services to include IJG.”